Monday, June 6, 2011


These are called Eyelets, they are one of my favorite scrap book accsessories. They add color to your page they are also very creatve and fun to mess around with, they come in different sizes, shapes and colors.

 Scissors are a cool way to make your page exciting there lots of different types, sizes and desgins that you can use to make your page unique!

Markers and Pens are a good way to add detail to your page the best kind to use would be from an actual scrap book supply shop. Most of them are skinny and permanet and very colorful!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Great places to shop!

This Link will lead you to the website Archivers, This store is a really great place to shop they have all the things you need to start your first scrapbook and more! I would highly recommend going to and checking it out. This site will show you ideas, places (locations), and prices. 


This video shows different techniques on how to make your scrap book pages look better and also shows how to use tools. This video would be a good one to watch if you want to get really creative(:

How to create your first layout.


This is a tutorial to making your first layout this video is very helpful and should lead you through your first page and how to make your your page come to life!